Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sixth Figure - Cheap Thai copy, Devil Lady

After my first two attempts at completing cheap Thai resin recasts (Rei and Black Rock Shooter), I was definitely wary of doing any more. But I had just taken almost a two month break, so with that additional energy, and a big desire to do this figure, I decided to finish up my final Thai recast: Devil Lady. I didn't have any putty or way to fix the gaps and holes, so I knew it would be practically impossible. So this is the result: the best I could do with a glue gun, acrylic paints, and an exacto knife.

Devil Lady was full of heartache for me. The only reason I even started on it was because I figured I'd rather have a crappy painted figure than a cardboard box full of lady pieces. But just like the first Thai recast, I soon regretted even getting started. Since this figure was generally a failure, thus making it a bit painful to recall, I'm not going to say too much about it. But I will get straight into the lessons I learned while doing it:

Lesson 21: I'll say it again: Don't buy Thai recasts from Ebay. Just don't. For twice the price, just use E2046 : it's 10x the quality.

Lesson 22: Hot glue cannot replace putty. You can not put hot glue in a gap and make it look decent.

Lesson 23: Using thick layers of paint to puff up certain grooves or areas is really really hard, time consuming, and will never look right. If you don't have any putty, don't even try.

In other words, unless your cast is perfect, THERES NO SUBSTITUTE FOR PUTTY.

I do intend to go back at some future time, to fix the worst of the flaws in her, namely the arms and legs, with some putty. I'll add the 'after' pictures here if I ever get around to doing it.

EDIT (3/12/2015):!!!!
She broke!!!
As I was getting her ready for her pics, she fell and broke into lots and lots of pieces. On the bright side, she was pretty crappy anyway, but still... that was a lot of effort... I can fix it for the most part, but it will have to wait for a long time from now when I feel like it.

EDIT (5/11/2017):
I finally feel like putting her together again. I however, do not feel like making a lot of effort. I just want to put the pieces back, take some pics, and be done with it. The pics you see in this post are the result. You'll notice some crevices, paint mismatching, and hairline fractures. Oh, and missing hair. Oh well, that's how it is.

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